Electric Fleet Vehicle Chargers

Recipient Address
Installation Address

Enter your information in the fields below.

Information needs to be entered in the same order the fields appear. If you are unable to select a record from the drop down that indicates the criteria has not been met.

Date must be between 4/25/2022 and 12/31/2050.

Listed below are the available items.

Begin End
04/25/2022 12/31/2050 Electric Vehicle Charging Station (>= level 2)

All fields are required unless otherwise indicated.

Member Type

Tax Status

What percentage of your fleet is electric?

What type of vehicles did the EVs replace?

Primary Charging Time Period

Secondary Charging Time Period

Did the rebate influence your purchasing decision?

Please upload a copy of the itemized and dated invoice or receipt, with the installation address and the name of the entity receiving the rebate.

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Before continuing, please make sure you uploaded all required documentation.

Please enter any comments you have below. When ready, click on Submit below.

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