Electric Appliances

What To Include With Your Rebate Application

It should take no longer than 8-10 minutes to finish this rebate application process as long as you have everything you to need to finish. That includes the name and address for the rebate payment and the name and address where the equipment has been installed. You will be asked to enter the installation date, brand, model, and serial number. You will also be asked to upload a copy of your itemized invoice or detailed receipt that also has the model listed on it. And you will be asked to upload a photo of the yellow energy guide that has the ENERGY STAR® printed on it.

General Terms & Conditions

By submitting this form electronically, you certify the provided information is truthful and accurate and that you have purchased and installed the identified equipment. Utility reserves the right to withhold a rebate if any entries are found untruthful or inaccurate and may take extraordinary steps to validate the claims.
At the bottom of the next page you will find more detailed terms & conditions. Please review prior to submitting your application. Your submissions means that you have accepted these. 

Installation Address

Enter your information in the fields below.

Information needs to be entered in the same order the fields appear. If you are unable to select a record from the drop down that indicates the criteria has not been met.

Date must be between 1/1/2023 and 12/31/2050.

Listed below are the available items.

Begin End
01/01/2023 12/31/2050 Clothes Washer Electric ENERGY STAR Top/Front
01/01/2023 12/31/2050 Clothes Dryer Electric ENERGY STAR
01/01/2023 12/31/2050 Refrigerator ENERGY STAR
01/01/2023 12/31/2050 Freezer ENERGY STAR
01/01/2023 12/31/2050 Room Air Conditioner ENERGY STAR